Instructions: (Note - All data submitted must be in effect as of January 1st of the current year)
1). After logging in with your login and password, a new randomly generated password for your account will appear. Please make a record of this as it will be your password for the survey going forward. Afterwards you will need to logout and log back in with the newly generated password.
2). After logging in with your login and newly generated password, a contact information box will appear. Please complete all fields with the required information. This information will be saved and displayed on bar at top. If you need to change this information at any time click on "Edit Contact Info" link and update your contact information.
3). You are on the MHA Survey Site. You can click on the Home link to return to the home page at any time. There are two boxes on this page. The MHA Labor Survey box is where you select the contract category you are going to complete. From the drop down, choose type (RN, LPN, CNA or Service) and click Go.
4). This will take you to the screen for entering data for the union contract type you selected. The grayed data at the top is pre-populated and cannot be changed. Fields with red asterisks next to them are required and cannot be left blank. Enter all appropriate fields. When finished, click the Save button and you will return to the previous page. No data will be saved until you click the Save button. (When you go to the same saved Survey later, the Save button becomes Update button.)
5). Now you can select another type of contract and continue as above. You do not need to enter all contracts at one time, just logout and return to site later.
6). As each contract is saved, the your Survey box gives you the ability to edit/update or delete a contract.
7). Only after all contracts have been completed, click the "Submit Survey(s)" button. This locks your data and account and automatically sends an e-mail to MHA telling them that your survey is complete. If you need to reenter any of the survey data you must contact Tom Brennan at and he will reset the completion flag.